Location: San Giuliano Terme, Pisa
The project in question is a typical example of private subdivision with an agreement, for the construction of nine building units and 24 overall real estate units, in the municipality of San Giuliano Terme, in the locality of Metato, not far from the Serchio river.
This plan, in compliance with the urban parameters, provided for the construction of green spaces for public use, parking lots and a new access road to the area.
The intervention also carried out the primary urbanization of the entire subdivision.
The project is inspired by the values of traditional rural architecture, such as farmhouses and stables, which constitute the most evident historicized sign of the presence of man, his work and his life in this area.
The reading of these architectures has led to the drafting of an abacus of compositional elements, such as door and window compartments, structural elements such as discharge arches, cornices, eaves, wall facings, elements that are constantly repeated in their combinations of materials and colors and that we have adopted in the design, reinterpreting them, in order to best contextualize the project buildings, while at the same time trying to reduce their environmental impact.
The building units consist of buildings of different types and distributions, to meet the needs of the local market. This need has also generated a typological study, attached to the tables presented for the request for adoption of the plan.
The project has seen the emergence of the dominant characteristics of the buildings and the arrangement on the ground, retracing the way of settling on the territory of the large farmhouses and their annexes: the new buildings, in continuity with the urban built, fit into the existing context through the creation of isolated building typologies.
The project also defines the location and the species of the tree species to be used in public green spaces. The choice of essences has identified long-acclimatized species, typical of the local flora.
The private green is conditioned, along the border with the road network, by the choice of tall trees equal to those used for public green; their definition was delegated in the executive project in agreement with the Public Administration. Instead, the private green at the back of the buildings enjoyed greater freedom of choice with respect to the essences to be used.